Thursday, December 20, 2012

December in Drama Classes

As we get ready to head off for Winter Break, here is an update of what we've been doing in drama classes.

In Kindergarten, the students have begun to learn about the dramatic elements of plot, setting and character.  We have been using story drama to identify these elements and then act out the stories.   We have been having a lot of fun with Dr. Seuss stories, especially The Sneetches.

First Grade students spent several weeks using their imaginations to pretend that objects were something other then what they were intended to be, that fabric could turn in to anything we wanted it to be and that our classroom could transform in to any place we wanted to go.  The students then had the opportunity to work in small groups to create their own short plays about winter which they performed for one another.

In Second Grade, the students spent several weeks rehearsing a short play about space and community entitled Space Wrecked which they performed for their buddies.  Next, we thought more about communities when we did an activity which illustrated how we go from being individuals to members of a community in a unique and engaging way.  The past two weeks, the students have played some favorite pantomime guessing games in class.

Third Grade students have been learning about the 5 W's and how they are used in drama.  We began be exploring character (who) and then moved on to setting (where).  The students worked in small groups to write short scenes, then design and draw the sets for their scenes and finally rehearse and perform their scenes.  When we return from break we will get started rehearsing for the Third Grade Performance.  We have four new folktales to perform this year.

In Fourth Grade, the students have been working on their stage voices.  They began by choosing different dramatic poems which they rehearsed and performed for their classmates.  Then the students had some fun with MadScripts.  These are short plays done in the Mad Libs style, so they end up being very silly.

Sixth Grade students finished up learning about frozen pictures and giving and taking focus with fun activities such as Wax Museum and My Family Vacation.  They then spent time creating short scenes which solved different dramatic challenges, such as creating a game show or a fractured fairy tale.  After break, the Sixth Graders will spend some time researching an area of interest within the vast history of the theater and presenting their findings to the class.

In Eighth Grade, the students have continued to use all of the acting skills previously learned to solve complex dramatic challenges, such as creating a mock news cast.  Activities like this have been mixed with Improv games to keep the students thinking on their toes.  When we return from break Eighth Grade students will begin working on writing original plays based on urban legends.

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season!

Ms. Edwards

Thursday, November 8, 2012

What's Happening in Drama Classes

It is hard to believe we are already in November, but here we are!  All of the students have been having a great time in Drama Classes this fall.  Here is a quick look at what we have been doing.

In Kindergarten and First Grade we spent several weeks working on movement; how to control our bodies and use them to complete different dramatic challenges.  We are now working on the important drama skill of Observation.  Recent classes have included favorite games such as Frog and Fly, Three Changes and Who Started the Motion.

Students in Second Grade completed a unit on Observing and Working Together and are now exploring Space and Community in Drama class.  We have taken Imagination Journeys into space and are now working on a great short play called Space Wrecked about a group of tourists in space who get stranded on an unidentified planet and have to work together to create their own community.

In Third Grade, we have been working on Pantomime Acting, acting without speaking or using any props.  The students have explored different environments in pantomime, communicated character and plot in pantomime and even tried to sell different items in pantomime.

Students in Fourth Grade have moved away form Pantomime Acting and have started a unit on Voice.  They are working on breathing, projection, rate, clarity and expression.  These are valuable skills not only for acting on stage but also for giving speeches and presentations.

In Sixth Grade, we have been working with the idea of frozen pictures or freeze frames and how an entire story can be told in one snapshot.  We have also been learning about giving and taking focus on stage.

Finally, in Eighth Grade we have been splitting our time between activities which emphasize Improv, acting without preparation, and scene building, creating short scenes with complete plots and well developed characters which solve different dramatic challenges.  We have spent a lot of time laughing at the creative and hysterical ideas the students have come up with.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Here We Go Again!

It's hard to believe that another school year is already underway, but here we are in the middle of our second week of the 2012-13 school year.  The first week of drama classes went very well.  We began with quick reviews of procedures and expectations then we dove right in to our first games and activities.  It is always fun for me to see how the children have grown and changed over the summer and how the dynamics change based on new class groupings.  For these reasons, I always start the year with fun ice breaker and team building activities.  These activities give the students a chance to get to know their new classmates and give me a chance to observe how the new groups work together.

This week the Kindergarten and First Grade classes will continue to do activities to get to know one another and learn how to work well together while the older grades will begin their first units of study. 

It is going to be another great year of drama classes at OWS!  As always, if you have any questions about drama classes or your child please don't hesitate to contact me at  This year I am on campus Tuesday-Friday.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Partnerships with Older Drama Students

Students here at OWS are lucky.  They get to have drama class as a part of their educational experience from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade.  I certainly did not have this opportunity, in fact Drama wasn't offered as an option at my schools until high school.  I hope that I inspire my students to continue taking drama classes or pursue acting once they leave OWS.  To foster this sense of drama being a lifelong pursuit I am partnering with area high schools to bring high school theatre students here to work with my students. 

On Tuesday, students from the Northwest School came out for the afternoon to lead the First Grade students in drama workshops.  The high school students taught games and created frozen picture scenes with the First Graders.  Then they asked the little ones for ideas to add to a play they are writing.  Once the play is finished they are going to be coming back and performing it for us.  It was great fun to see 6 year old and 16 year old students working together!

Next, I am going to have the Improv Troupe from Newport High School come and lead some workshops with the Fourth Grade students during our unit on Improvisational Theatre.

We are just starting this exciting program and I can't wait to see how it expands!