Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bean Bag Boogie!

We have been doing the bean bag boogie in movement class for the past several weeks! The students have practiced balancing bean bags on different parts of their bodies, tossing and catching the bean bags themselves and with partners, throwing the bean bags for distance and accuracy, working with partners to try and carry bean bags while holding them with different body parts and even playing tag games with the bean bags.

These games and activities are helping the students to develop their fine and gross motor skills, hand/eye coordination, agility, balance and creative movement skills. The kids have really enjoyed tyring out different tricks with the bean bags and showing their classmates. Tricks have included throwing the bean bag in the air, clapping several times and then catching the bean bag, throwing the bean bag in the air spinning around and then catching the bean bag and even throwing the bean bag in the air and catching it with a different part of the body!

Peter Pan was a smashing success!

Last night the OWS Players put on a fantastic production of Peter Pan! The show was well attended and the audience really enjoyed the performance. The kids have worked very hard since September and all of their efforts paid off in a big way. Thanks so much to all of the parent volunteers who helped with refreshments, set up and clean up so we could all celebrate the great work done by the kids.

Look for the OWS Players Anansi and the Moss Covered Rock coming in March and starring students in first and second grade!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

OWS Players News!

The OWS Players' fall production, Peter Pan, is rapidly approaching! Our show is on Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00 pm in the Roper Gym. Come cheer on OWS students in grades 3-8 as they entertain you with this classic tale!

Our winter show, Anansi and the Moss Covered Rock, is just for students in kindergarten through second grade. Rehearsals will begin on Friday, December 4th and the show will be on Thursday, March 11th at 6:00 pm. I look forward to beginning work on this fun and fast paced musical!