It's hard to believe but we only have eight more days of school this year! We have been busy finishing up projects in drama classes and reviewing all we've done this year in movement classes.
Kindergarten students just finished a unit all about insects! We moved like caterpillars metamorphosing into butterflies, made up our own insect stories to act out and even had an "Ugly Bug Ball," where we made antennae, wore wings and had a dance party!
First grade students finished creating their fabulous marionette puppets and then used these puppets to make their own fairy tale puppet shows.
In Second grade the students have been busy rehearsing the plays they wrote based on several different folk tales. They will be performing these plays for their classmates before the end of the school year.
Third grade students just finished up their big set design, costume design and monologue projects all using the play CSI: Mothergooseland as a base. I was very impressed by the creativity shown by the students, especially in the original monologues they wrote and performed.
In Fourth Grade we are ending the year with a unit on Improv. The students are having a great time playing improvisational acting games straight out of the Theater Sports playbook. It's nice to finish the year with a lot of laughter!
Movement classes have been spent reviewing all of our previous units, with students having two or three different options each class. It has been fun for me to see which activities they choose to do again, and how much they remember from classes we had back in September!
It has been another fantastic year of Drama and Movement here at OWS! Next year, I will not be teaching Movement any longer, but I will be taking on the additional challenge of teaching Drama at the middle school level. So check back here in the fall to find out what's happening in Drama classes from Kindergarten all the way to Eighth grade!
I wish you all a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you in the fall!
Lisa Edwards
Battle of the Books 2017!
8 years ago