As the school year begins to wind down the schedule for the drama department is really ramping up! We just finished two great productions. The second grade show, Every Day is Earth Day featured fabulous singing and acting and a lot of very valuable information about living in an earth friendly way and the Kindergarten Cultural Parade concluded with a great show featuring songs and dances from several different cultures.
First grade is busy practicing for their show all about the weather and fourth grade has just begun to rehearse for their play, Lewis and Clark's Excellent Adventure. Fourth grade is the first year in which the grade level performance is a full length play. This original play was conceived in 2008 and has been performed by the fourth grade ever since. It provides the students with many varied performance opportunities and is just a really fun show to do.
After Lewis and Clark we will begin working on The American Revolution in fifth grade and continue to rehearse for our spring musical, The Wizard of Oz! It's a busy, creative time here in the OWS drama department!
Battle of the Books 2017!
8 years ago